A DM that changed my life (not exaggerating)

Three years ago I was still figuring out this whole online business thing.

I was basically clueless, as this post will evidence.

For a long time I'd admired a prominent online personality who many of you probably know, Joshua Lisec.

Well imagine my surprise when he DMd me one day out of the blue back in 2021.

He asked me what I was working on and I told him.

I was in the middle of writing a book. I still have the book draft today, tens of thousands of words, but I never published it.


Because of what Joshua told me in a DM.

He asked what the book was about.

"It's 100 life lessons for young men. Things I wish I knew growing up."

"Ok," Joshua said. "But what's the OUTCOME? The specific outcome of reading this book?"

I didn't have an answer. I fumbled around trying to think of something. You can see what I came up with in the attached image.

What happened next?

I got ghosted. No response from Joshua. Nothing.

We didn't talk again until I messaged him a year later thanking him for asking me that one question about outcomes.

He probably immediately forgot about our interaction. But for me, it was priceless. I thought about his question every single day for months. I still think about it today.

And as it turned out, that one question was responsible for every single dollar I made online after that day.

Here's a screenshot (continued below):

The lesson for you guys reading this:

If there's no SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE OUTCOME from your product or service, you are playing on hard mode.

"But Jordan Peterson wrote 12 rules for life! Surely I can write my book that's similar?"

This was my reasoning. Maybe it's yours too. But here's what I had to ultimately internalize:

Homie, you ain't Jordan Peterson.

People buy results. And if they can't measure those results, they can't value them.

If they can't value them, they automatically assign the lowest value possible in their mind. Peanuts.

But if you get them an outcome they can measure? They CAN value it. And for the right person, the right outcome is priceless.

THAT'S how you build a business.


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Harrison Schenck

Helping dads buy back time. Join over 1M followers on social media, and 20k email subscribers.

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