How would you answer this question:

So many guys who get into a rut in their marriage have the wrong answer to this question:

"How many lightbulbs are out in your house, right now?"

One? Two? Three?? How long have they been out?

And here are some follow-up questions:

Why are they still out? What are you waiting for? Who ELSE is going to change them for you?

If you can't tell by now, the question isn't really about lightbulbs.

It's about the little things in our lives that we let slide...that we let go into disrepair.

It's about us waiting for someone else, at some undefined time and in some undefined way, to solve our problems for us.

But of course nobody is coming. That person and that day never comes. All the while small problems get bigger and bigger.

So my advice for myself and everyone reading this:

Get up and go change the freaking lightbulb.

I talked about this on my podcast recently and you can see the clip here (give us a subscribe on YT while you're there).


Today is the LAST DAY to join the beta group for our Fatherize Incubator.

If you're a dad who's been wanting to build a creator led business, whether you want to coach, consult, or start an agency, we created the Fatherize Incubator for you.

It's me and 7 other mentors, doing daily live calls with members, telling you exactly what steps to take to launch and build you side-businesses via social media.

If you haven't already signed up, you still have time to join our Beta Group now and take advantage of the lowest rate we'll ever offer. Just click this to sign up and I'll personally send you your invite link. But you have to do it TODAY to lock in the introductory rate.

Harrison Schenck

Helping dads buy back time. Join over 1M followers on social media, and 20k email subscribers.

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