The importance of trust

I know a lot of guys on this list are running or interested in running coaching/consulting type offers

So I wanted to share something I've seen industry-wide, that's fundamentally impacted how I operate

There is SO MUCH FATIGUE with "online coaches" in the marketplace

Prospects have been bombarded for years with crappy offers and outreach from people they don't know, trying to sell them some vague "coaching program"...and this has led to ....


But the good news is... that means it's easier than ever to stand out


By being:

1) Likable, and

2) Visible

Likability ='s a quirk of human nature

And with all the platforms at our disposal, and all the competition for attention, we need to be as publicly visible as possible, too

Visibility + likability = overcome the trust barrier and get prospects talking again

Then all it takes is reasonable sales skills and as much social proof as you've got to convert them to clients/customers

My advice:

If you think your skills and knowledge alone are going to be enough to be successful, you are in for a rude awakening

Because you're competing with guys who have the same skills and knowledge as you, but who ALSO optimize for likability

Show your face. Show your personality. Help people. This will get people spending more time with you.

Time spent builds trust. Likability builds trust. Visibility builds trust.

You must be trustmaxxing or you simply will not make it.



This is the same advice I'm giving my current clients, and it's the same advice I'm taking myself. So if you want to hang out with me (and get a bunch of free business content/advice directly from me), join our
FREE skool community.

Harrison Schenck

Helping dads buy back time. Join over 1M followers on social media, and 20k email subscribers.

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