Hero dad from Trump rally

By now everybody has heard about the hero dad who tragically passed away at the Trump rally on Saturday.

When I first heard the news about Corey Comperatore, I went back and forth on whether I should post about him.

On the one hand, I didn't want it to seem like I was being opportunistic. I didn't want it to look like I was trying to engagement-farm off of this man's sacrifice.

But on the other hand, I know many people look to me to provide my take when fatherhood is presented so starkly in the public consciousness.

For better or worse I feel some sort of obligation to speak on subjects like this, and I'm in a position to drive the conversation in a productive way.

So here is my take.

This man is a hero.

We all hope we'd act the same way in that situation, but even more we pray we never have to.

God bless his family.

I can't pretend to know more about Corey than what's been said by his daughter and by the media.

But I can say this...

If I were him, there is one very specific outcome I'd hope for from this tragedy:

That this sacrifice inspires a generation of men to take up the mantle of fatherhood with the pure, virtuous, and serious heart that Corey did.


Harrison Schenck

Helping dads buy back time. Join over 1M followers on social media, and 20k email subscribers.

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