What would your kids say if you asked this question?

I saw a great concept the other day on instagram

Sit your kids down and ask them to finish this sentence:

"I hate it when my dad _________."

Make the setting relaxed and comfortable. Maybe even do it while you're out on a walk or something...that usually leads to more free-flowing conversations with kids.

Your kids answers will be pretty illuminating.

My guess is most of our kids would probably say something like:

"I hate it when my dad yells."

"I hate it when my dad isn't around."

"I hate it when my dad is angry."

"I hate it when my dad loses his temper."

In other words, we could probably already predict what our kids would say before they say it if we're being honest with ourselves.

But in my experience, hearing it from them makes it way more real.

And making it real is the first step to acceptance.

And acceptance is the first step to change.



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Harrison Schenck

Helping dads buy back time. Join over 1M followers on social media, and 20k email subscribers.

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