
Harrison Schenck

Helping dads buy back time. Join over 1M followers on social media, and 20k email subscribers.

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A DM that changed my life (not exaggerating)

Three years ago I was still figuring out this whole online business thing. I was basically clueless, as this post will evidence. For a long time I'd admired a prominent online personality who many of you probably know, Joshua Lisec. Well imagine my surprise when he DMd me one day out of the blue back in 2021. He asked me what I was working on and I told him. I was in the middle of writing a book. I still have the book draft today, tens of thousands of words, but I never published it. Why?...

I know a lot of guys on this list are running or interested in running coaching/consulting type offers So I wanted to share something I've seen industry-wide, that's fundamentally impacted how I operate There is SO MUCH FATIGUE with "online coaches" in the marketplace Prospects have been bombarded for years with crappy offers and outreach from people they don't know, trying to sell them some vague "coaching program"...and this has led to .... THE HIGHEST TRUST BARRIER EVER in this industry....

So many guys who get into a rut in their marriage have the wrong answer to this question: "How many lightbulbs are out in your house, right now?" One? Two? Three?? How long have they been out? And here are some follow-up questions: Why are they still out? What are you waiting for? Who ELSE is going to change them for you? If you can't tell by now, the question isn't really about lightbulbs. It's about the little things in our lives that we let slide...that we let go into disrepair. It's about...

I had serial entrepreneur and VC investor Bubba Page on my podcast recently. I asked him his best piece of advice for dads. His answer: "Don't forget to be fun" In other words, stay positive. We set the tone in the house. Everyone's mood ultimately trickles down from our mood. This is something so many dads forget. If we're mopey, things go downhill. If we're boring, kids get bored. But if we're high energy... If we say yes... If we're fun... Our kids' childhood is what it should be: fun. You...

I saw a great concept the other day on instagram Sit your kids down and ask them to finish this sentence: "I hate it when my dad _________." Make the setting relaxed and comfortable. Maybe even do it while you're out on a walk or something...that usually leads to more free-flowing conversations with kids. Your kids answers will be pretty illuminating. My guess is most of our kids would probably say something like: "I hate it when my dad yells." "I hate it when my dad isn't around." "I hate it...

By now everybody has heard about the hero dad who tragically passed away at the Trump rally on Saturday. When I first heard the news about Corey Comperatore, I went back and forth on whether I should post about him. On the one hand, I didn't want it to seem like I was being opportunistic. I didn't want it to look like I was trying to engagement-farm off of this man's sacrifice. But on the other hand, I know many people look to me to provide my take when fatherhood is presented so starkly in...

I posted this yesterday and people lost their minds: But most of those people misunderstood it. People frequently ask me about my diet.I say I try to stay in a slight caloric deficit, and I try to eat between 150-200g of protein per day. If I do those 2 things consistently, I leave a ton of room for flexibility and stay at my target weight with little effort. If that's what you want to do, that's why this chart is so helpful. It isn't saying "these protein sources are BAD" ... It's saying...

My wife went down with the stomach bug last night. Which isn't ideal, because as many of you know we're expecting our third baby any day now. She's feeling better now, but of course I caught whatever it was this morning, hence the late email (sparing you the details but suffice to say this is the first time I've been able to focus my eyes today) I had a thousand things I wanted to do today. Record two podcasts. Call inside the fatherize community. Create some multi-platform contnet. And write...

The other day a guy on linkedin sent me a message Something along the lines of "hey I have some questions about my business, can you help me?" I actually gave him a couple quick pointers based on a cursory glance of his profile (this was probably a mistake) and I told him I'd be happy to help further inside the Fatherize community if he wanted to join. His response (notice he doesn't say thank you): "I still have some questions, let's get on a call Thursday after 4pm PST." Excuse me?? This...

Something I started doing after our first son was born that I recommend to all parents I work with: Daily Family JournalingYou may be thinking "oh no, not another daily journal habit post" BUT what I'm talking about is different. This literally takes less than 1 minute of your time per day. Here's what you do: -Create a google-doc -Every day, when you wake up and check your phone (I know you do this...don't lie)...go into your doc and write ONE memory of your kids from the day before That's...